Firefox, 10 anni e non sentirli
20 Novembre 2014
Ci sono giorni in cui sentirsi fiero dell’azienda per cui lavori, oggi è uno di questi.
Our new search strategy doubles down on our commitment to make Firefox a browser for everyone. We believe it will empower more people, in more places with more choice and opportunity to innovate and ultimately put even more people in control over their lives online.
This is why our independence matters. Being non-profit lets us make different choices. Choices that keep the Web open, everywhere and independent. We think today is a big step in that direction.
Non che ieri fosse da meno.
Mozilla, along with our partners Akamai, Cisco, EFF, and Identrust decided to do something about this situation. Together, we’ve formed a new consortium, the Internet Security Research Group, which is starting Let’s Encrypt, a new certificate authority designed to bring security to everyone.
Lo scorso 9 novembre Firefox ha compiuto 10 anni, Firefox Developer Edition ha mosso i primi passi. Non si può certo dire che novembre sia stato privo di novità.
Today more than ever: proud to be a Mozillian!